Meera George

02 December 2023

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Prioritizing Mental Health And Wellbeing At Acico

ACICO Group’s Human Resources Management organized a lecture on Mental Health, presented by Dr. Abdullah Al-Khalifa at Jumeirah Hotel. This session aimed to create awareness and provide tools for maintaining mental health.

The session discussed stress management, coping strategies, and ways to foster a supportive work environment where everyone can thrive. It reinforced how a healthy mind is essential for productivity, and presented methods to ensure that our employees have the resources they need to thrive both professionally and personally. Dr. Al-Khalifa’s expertise le a lasting positive impact on the engaged audience.

Investing in mental health training mirrors our commitment to a culture of care, compassion, and open communication, and a workplace that prioritizes the holistic well-being of our employees.

ACICO INDUSTRIES CO - أسـيــكــــو الـمـجـمــوعـــة” تـحـــرص عـلــى مـنـــح الصــحـــة النفـســيـــة أولــويـــة قــصـــوى - CSR - Acico Group Kuwait - أسيكو المجموعة
ACICO INDUSTRIES CO - Prioritizing Mental Health And Wellbeing At Acico - CSR - Acico Group Kuwait - أسيكو المجموعة